E Mail………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
If you are a UK tax payer, under the Government’s Gift Aid Scheme, The London Early Opera Company Ltd can claim the tax you have already paid on your gift. This means that your donation can increase in value by at least 25% at no extra cost to you.
Please tick here …… if you would like the The London Early Opera Company Ltd to claim the tax on your gift. I am a UK tax payer.*
Please treat all donations I make or have made to The London Early Opera Company Ltd for the last four years as Gift Aid donations until further notice.
* It does not matter what rate of tax you pay as long as you pay an amount of income and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the basic rate tax we claim on your donations in that tax year (6th April one year to 5th April the next). Please remember to inform us of any changes in your tax status or name/address details.